Windows shell extensions do exactly what they claim, they extend the Windows shell (the user interface that is based around Explorer), by providing additional property pages or additional context-menu options for a shell item (file, folder, drive, printer, etc.).
Main features:
-Command Box - opens a command prompt (DOS box) on the currently selected directory
-Date Renamer - renames file(s) with the current date/time
-File Case - changes the case of the currently selected file(s)
-File Touch - changes the date/time attributes of the selected file(s)
-Grab Path - copies the path(s) of the currently selected file(s) to the clipboard
-Read Only - changes the read-only status of the currently selected file
-Remote Reboot - shutdown/reboots another machine on your domain
-Empty Directory Remover - removes any empty sub-directories of a given directory
-Run Program - runs the currently selected program (.exe/.bat/.cmd) with arguments prompted from the user